Ahhhh, the weather has been so beautiful here in Iowa! I had honestly forgotten how nice this time of year can be. I'm SURE I won't be saying that in just a few more months.
So I made it through prologue week....viewing movies about the story of David and Bethsheba. We compared the movies and study about biblical interpretation. We even looked at Veggies Tales which was very disturbing to me. I thought this whole time that Veggie Tales was a GOOD thing for religion, but as it turns out, it is, as my friend Abagail said, "biblical smut", THUS making my job a lot harder! It was a interesting week, paper and all.
We had a meeting this past week about the process I will be going through next, INTERNSHIP. God willing, my interview will be late October/early November and I will be endorsed, which means I have been granted permission to go on internship all next school year. Since I'm single, no kids, no home, etc...I pretty much have no say so as to where I will end up. After spending some time at home with my mother I had debated restricting to the East coast to be closer to help her, but decided after the meeting, that would hurt my chances of getting in the best place for me. So I'm leaving it open, making no restrictions. I won't find out where I'm going until Mid-March, so I better start praying now. Besides....I still have a 6 page application to complete before then and LOTS of Hebrew this semester.
My class load this semester isn't too bad, either that or my mind seem to be in a better place. I am enjoying all of it so far, but then again, it IS only the first week! I dunno I can't explain it. Maybe it just all the CPE and KNOWING exactly how I feel about everything, I just feel like I'm in some sort of "sponge" phase and I love it!
Going home was pretty cool. Seeing my family differently was not. I think I just studied too much about family dynamics this summer that I was just looking at my family differently. I WISH I could say that it was all good, but it disturbed me. Spending time with my mother was nice, but she really does need more support from me, emotionally and physically. It made me feel quite helpless. I thought maybe I had over exaggerated most of it until my baby sister went and seemed to have the same observations. All I can do is pray about it for now.
School has started, I have a new part time job as a part time handbell director at a local church, first payday FINALLY this week (I haven't been paid since May...so it's been a LONG summer!), all in all not too bad. I went to Des Moines, IA yesterday for a grant interview with some other students. I think I'll be offered something, so I'm feeling quite optimistic.
I am missing my best friend and her (my) family terribly. She and her family have been busy getting ready for a move and I think moved a bunch of stuff over to their new home today. She was pretty bad before about not texting or calling me, but with all this, has gotten worse. It's been tough, but I am managing OK all things considered.
I am turning 40 next month....yeah, I said it, 40. That has me getting a little down every once in a while. I had just had better plans for my personal life at this point. It's not that I'm lonely I just miss companionship, someone to share things with. I guess for a while my friends provided that when I was at home this past summer, before that, last semester, was my ex....but now with 40 around the corner, I seem to be thinking about it more. I dunno, maybe I need to take a break. Maybe I need to try a new different dating web site. For now, I'll just settle for some prayer and blogging!
May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding be with all you readers. Peace!