Sunday, January 24, 2010

As if TWO hospital visits were NOT enough....

Yup....apparently, my body enjoys BEING in the hospital! After I was released the 2nd time (after my leg had turned several colors and they put a PIC line in my arm for IV antibiotics), I continued on antibiotics via IV for 10 more days. My Dr. had advised me to then switch to my pills after I finished until my next appointment. It seemed everything was going fine.....I had been out of the hospital for a week....infection did NOT appear to be clearing fast enough (at least not for me!). So on the morning of January 12th, I had an AM appointment. I got up very groggy! I just couldn't seem to stay awake....then the chills and sweating came. Julie checked my temperature a few times. It was slightly elevated but not bad, so I insisted she go on her planned play date for Chloe (my Goddaughter) and I'd have my dear friend Margaret take me to my appt (since she offered and I didn't think I could stay awake long enough to drive....but I suspected something was wrong!) They saw me within a few minutes. I explained my fatigue. They took my temperature and it was 102.9! This is course meant that the infection had NOW gotten in my bloodstream....which is NOT good! So they immediately made arrangements for me to go back to Dallas Regional (which is where I probably got the infection in the first place!). I cried when they told me and then immediately tried to get a hold of Julie...cause I knew I'd need a few things from home for a few more days in the hospital. My Dr. came in and said, "OK...I am concerned that the infection is not going away fast enough since your body is not reacting to pills and only IV, I'd like you back in the hospital for a stronger IV and I'm gonna take you back in to surgery and Debris all that stuff out of there and check the knee components, then restitch your wound". At that point, then I was really upset! ANOTHER SURGERY....UGGGHHHH!
So after 5 more days in the hospital, I also had to speak with an infectious disease doctor about what he suggested I go since the infection had gotten in my bloodstream. My knee looked 200% better after the 2nd looked like how it should have looked like after the first surgery! But my knee Dr wanted me to follow whatever regime the infectious Dr suggested just as a percaution. Well this quack, originally made me SOOOOO upset! He was telling me that I would have to stay in a hospital for 4-6 weeks for IV treatment! Once I saw my knee Dr, he assured me that just staying on IV treatment at home for several more weeks would be all I needed; pending that the knee looked good and seemed to be healing within a week.
I CAN'T STAND DALLAS REGIONAL IN MESQUITE! NEVER GO THERE! I am going to be filing a grievance with this hospital this week before I return to school. My friend Margaret didn't believe me when I told her....EVERY nurse for 5 days and Tech and persons drawing blood...I called them the Vampires, I had to ask them to PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS...PLEASE PUT ON GLOVES....except for one nurse! I thanked her profusely for being so diligent! I was afraid to take naps without someone there to make sure they were doing this as I slept before they touch me! I'm not talking occasionally......EVERYTIME someone came in....except for the one nurse. Anyways finally got out on the 18th and spent most of this week trying to get caught up with sleep! The antibiotics and just stress and body trauma had just taken its toll. I have some meds to help me sleep, but I'm not taking it everyday, which just exhaust me further. You add that to my God Daughter also NOT sleeping and that makes for a restless, tired, grouchy, ROSY!
So.....I went back to see my Dr on Friday. He said the stitches should come out this week and I have to stay on IV antibiotics just a little while longer while at school. So I am heading back to Dubuque after I get mt stitches out this Friday!
It's been a long J-Term for me. But I am also grieving the loss of one of my fellow seminary students who passed away in Haiti's earthquakes just a few weeks ago. I can't imagine the loss and hardship that his wife and cousin are feeling having survived this horrific catastrophe. I know my fellow seminarians feel my pain. I was reminded again this morning as my home Pastor, shared his story during his sermon this morning. I began to cry and couldn't seem to stop thinking of how hard it is going to be to go back to school, with such a great loss. But that is the cool thing about seminary....LOTS of people who can pray and heal together as a community, that's what Wartburg is all about!
So back to the grind of classes nest week. It's gonna be another tough semester, but I will make it through somehow. Just have to stop worrying about all the medical bills that will be invading my school mailbox probably within the up coming weeks. FOR THAT.....I'll need lots of prayer too! Peace, Love and Grace to all my followers. Thanks for all your prayers!

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