Thursday, July 9, 2009

Last Day at FSG..... last day at FSG has come and gone. My replacement has been trained. Pictures of my co-workers were taken. My personal things all packed up. Lots of congrats said...and when I got home.....STILL lots of boxes to pack! I'm still packing now at midnight, but had to take a break.

As I'm sitting here organizing my stacks of things that are going in storage and things that should go to Iowa with me, I swear the Iowa stack is getting too large! It's hard having to downsize, when I'm just so used to having everything I need right at my fingertips! My church family has continued to be supportive. One family bought me my new favorite toy, an IPOD is sooo cool! I love it!

Last Friday, one of my best friends, Roxanne, threw me an awesome party at her house. I had so much fun hanging out with everyone. We sang Karoake, ate and I got to hit a pinata...something I hadn't done since I was 5 I think! I also received a few things I needed for school. At the party I presented a gift to 5 girls who have helped me th most during this process in some way. Christie, Jill, Roxanne, Argelia & Julie. I gave them all a cross that is like one of mine that has no beginning or our friendship. Then I passed on a few trinkets to the girls that I didn;t think would be appropiate for me to keep while I am in school. It was one of those "had to be there" moments!

My sister, Myra, sent me my laptop I'll be using in school this week and Sam, from FSG (used to work for as of today), gave me a nice 5 in 1 printer/copier/fax/scanner for school.....that's only 4 things, huh? says 5 in one on the box!

I can't believe how quickly July 17th is approaching! But the bright side, I'll get to spend some time with my brother, who is driving with me to Iowa. Unfortunately, I don't get a chance to see him or speak to him near as much as I do my sisters. Although I do hope to go home for Thanksgiving this year. I missed it last year! Then I do have to come back to Dallas for Christmas for a candidacy retreat.

I finally spoke to my the new head of the candidacy committee. They were requesting all my contact information, so they can keep up with me in school. My direct contact is Mary Ellen, but I haven't spoken to her yet.

This Sunday is my last Sunday at my church and Chloe's 1st birthday it's just gonna be an emotional day! I'll probably NOT even bother with any makeup! Chloe's actual birthday is Wednesday, the 15th...can't believe she is already a year old. But I remember everything about that day and I am so blessed to have been there when she came in this world. Her parent's have been so loving and kind in allowing me to be a part of their lives. Darrell & Julie have made me a part of their family, which makes my relationship with Chloe and THEM so meaningful to me....and harder for me to think of not being around them all as often as I'd like; which brings lots of tears! AND don't get me started with the longest friend that I've had here, Roxanne. She and I have been through sooo much together. Both Julie and Roxanne have been my "rock of strength" through all this!

So I haven't been sleeping much. Lots of things running through my mind. Lots of decisions to make and just the whole move in general. I've just been here for so long that it's hard to leave. But I am looking forward to being a student again....even more meaningful that I will be becomi g closer to Christ in the process. Well...I've gotta get some rest. Till next time. Moving day tomorrow and Saturday. YEAH....not all that excited about that either in a 100 degree temperatures! God's belssings to those reading! PEACE!

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