Hello everyone!
So here it is July already! I can't believe how these last few months have just flown by! I told one of my best friends, that it feels like a GIANT time clock just keeps ticking in my head until July 17th gets here! (That is the day my brother and I are driving up to IA) !
As each day gets closer, I am reminded of how many people I will miss, how instead of having to go work every morning, I'll be going to class, how hard it has been not having my puppy, Lucy around. It has been difficult to say the least. But I am trying to stay focussed on my purpose...one day, I will look back and say, "Man, that was a cakewalk!"...I hope!
Packing has been a slow process. I am continuing to pack, organize, clean out and sort! I'm also having to make sure all the stuff staying in storage is CLEARLY marked....mainly, because, I may not remember all I have at the end of 4 years in school! I've actually done pretty good about getting rid of junk. I've gotten to the point, that if I haven't used it or worn it in the last year, it needs to go in the trash or good will!
I am very concerned about my knees holding up till next Summer. For those that don't know, I was suppose to have both knees replaced this summer, but with Summer Greek starting at the end of July, I opted to wait. Not only that, I am hoping to be able to lose more weight before there, thereby, making my knees last a little longer than the standard 10-15 yrs. I got cortizone shots in both of them and that seems to be working so far.....but I just know how miserable I usually am when winter comes around HERE, so I'm not looking forward to how they will do in the REAL cold of Iowa!
Leaving FSG (my current company) has been a process to. I have started training my replacement, which I have decided is hard to do. We all get in the habit of doing your job a certain way, that I constantly have to keep reminding myself that HE may NOT want to do it MY way. But I do hope he is successful in at least learning the basics; which puts added pressure on me to train him properly. This is after all what I wanted to do for the company when I started...all the training! Kinda of ironic now! Anyways, tomorrow, my office is taking me out to Happy Hour after work. That'll be fun!
As I am one week closer to my last Sunday, at least for a long while, in my church, I am reminded, how awesome the people of my congregation are. Leaving my church family, my lifeline for my faith, is going to be extremely difficult. Not to mention all the fun I have there too! But I am confident that my church will remain faithful and supportive during my absence.
On another note, my sister, Tamara, just announced her engagement to her life partner yesterday. SO congrate Tamara & Teresa! I wish you both all the happiness in the world!
OK....so I think that's it for now. Till next time, many blessings:
Happy Moments, PRAISE God
Difficult moments....SEEK God
Quiet moments.....WORSHIP God
Painful moments....TRUST God
Every moment....THANK GOD.......AMEN!
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