Sunday, October 25, 2009

Octoberfest and leaves at their peak....and SO am I!

Greetings all my fellow readers!
Happy Reformation Sunday for all the Lutherans reading! Today was "suppose" to be a day to commemorate the birth of what is now the Lutheran church. In years past, at St. Luke's my home church, as well as others I have attended, this SHOULD be a boisterous day of celebration. With Fanfare, trumpets blazing, Almighty Fortress being sung at the top of your lungs and flags and banners being waved as high as the steeples......yeah, I was sorely disappointed today! NOT the fanfare was expecting. Just an ordinary service. The only difference was that there were those "faithful" Lutheran's who were sure to wear their "RED" today in commemoration....and to match the colors of the church today. Didn't happen today, but I did treat myself to a nice brunch today in Galena with some fellow seminary students who did NOT share my enthusiam for this day, so once again, I felt deflated.
This past Thursday was my birthday. I REALLY was trying to allow people to forget, but there were a few classmates who insisted in remembering it and buying me a small cake with the numbers "29" on top! That definately made me smile! For the last several years, I have always celebrated my birthday with my friend Roxanne, who didn't even remember to call me on my birthday! But Julie on the other hand probably called me about 5-6 times, so she saved the day! I took it as a sign! A sign that birthdays do not need to be a day about remembering your birth but to mark where you have been and looking forward to what is ahead. Perhaps I have been spending too much time in deep thought about my own spirituality these past few months, as most of my classmates have, but I am just amazed of all that God continues for me to have in my life, I am so blessed with many things that many people go without and I am marveled everyday of God's creation, in watching the foliage change here. It is truly stunning. It also makes me mindful of my purpose and calling everyday; and I am so Thankful.
Classes are continuing to go well. It is starting to get very stressful....although I am trying to concentrate on one week at a time; my challenge is, because I a leaving early for Christmas because of my surgery, I am trying to stay one week ahead, but that is becoming a difficult challenge too. I spent 2 whole days REALLY studying hard for my first Jesus and Gospels exam and didn't do well. But I did really well on my first History paper. So I guess I just have to slow down and take my time to get through all this. My work study is continuing to go well. I work at 3 different elementary schools. Each has their own challenging students that I have to learn to work with, but it isn't easy! I was fired this week from my State Farm job; on my birthday! I was only working there 6-7 hrs a week, so NOT a huge loss. I can make up those hours with work study and quite honestly, it was becoming challenging to study those 2 nights after I got off work, because I'd be too exhausted! So perhaps this was a blessing in disguise. I told the employment agency that I'd rather just work on Friday and Saturdays only, so I can keep Sundays as my day off to relax and spend each evening during the week studying. We'll see how it all goes, I guess.
So as I mentioned in my last blog, my knee replacement surgery is scheduled for December 14th...just my left knee to be replaced. I keep going back and forth about whether or not I will have it done. I've just been thinking how "taxing" this is going to have to be on my best friend and her family, since Julie will be the primary one taking care of me. She ALREADY has her hands full with her daughter, husband and life, that to add "taking care of Rosy" after surgery, may be to much to ask. She of course, has told me over and over again, that "they will manage and be ok", but I just don't know if I want to put someone through all this. So there lies my debate....should I or should I not! I KNOW it needs to get done, I'm just wondering if this Christmas is a good time or not. We'll see I guess.
Octoberfest was celebrated here on Campus this Friday. I was feeling sooo sick that I REALLY missed out on all the fun. There was polka dancing, lots of BEER and bratwurst and an all night party. I left around 8:30 because under all the medication I was on to kill my cold, I felt like I couldn;t drink that much beer. But I heard there were others, who were in my class and shall remain nameless, who DID take advantage of all the beer! It was even on of my new Favorites,....."Blue Moon"! Some students even decorated Marty too! Some students carved a HUGE pumpkin and placed it on Marty's head in the main quad. It was a nice touch for all the festivities.
Today in Dubuque, is a BEAUTIFUL Fall perfect day. I just want to take a blanket and lay under one of the big trees outside and watch the leaves fall ALL DAY, but I do have 3 papers to write, so I better get moving.....Peace to all reading and God bless and keep you all.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

And the there was....SNOW!!!!

Hello everyone! SOOOO sorry for my delay in posting blogs. Have been swamped this week. We just had our Fall break last weekend...but I spent ALLL weekend studying, so I've been taking a little time to relax yesterday and today, although, I do have MUCH to do!

Last Saturday...we had SNOW! Yes, SNOW in October! It only snowed for a couple of hours and didn't stick; believe it not, it wasn't COLD enough! Although I have been FREEZING here! Just went to Goodwill yesterday to see if I could find some warmer clothes!

Still continuing to work part time at State Farm although I am concerned that I may not be there that much longer. I am suppose to call people and talk them into getting an auto quote for insurance. I am SUPPOSE to get 3-5 people per night on a 3 hr shift twice a week. Last week I had a grand total of "0"...that's right ZERO and the new girl they hired just 2 weeks ago, got all five in less calls and in ONE night! Needless to say, I STINK at telemarketing! Although I have to admit that it has helped me improve my phone presence; at least people don't say I'm being a "b" when I talk to them! I'm just having some serious issues overcoming objections and quite frankly, I don;t want the pressure of the job, so I may not be there that much longer.

This past Thursday in my Spiritual Practices class, we had the opportunity to take some time to work through a paper labyrith, My classmate, "Gravy" (Eric Grayvold) had shared that he had never walked a real labyrith before, so today I took him to the one at the Sinsanawa retreat center. Then we headed over to Galena for lunch...since he hadn't been there either! I told him he needed to get out more! Tonight a couple of people are getting together for Birthday celebrations....mine of course is this week. Not looking forward to it, but it will be here whether I want to be or not.

Classes are continuing to go well. Lots of papers and reading to do, but I am still loving it. Trying to stay ahead with everything so I've been studying A LOT. I have scheduled my knee surgery for December 14th. So I am leaving for home, Dallas, December 9th. I sure hope I am making the right decision about getting it done. My baby sister had me all freaked out about it, but I think I need to go ahead and get it done so I can complete my CPE next summer. I hope to be in Baltimore, MD. My good friend from college, Beth, lives there and I'd be staying with her while I completed it. Her church is even going to help with some expenses, which will be nice. I am also applying to do CPE in Charlotte, NC and Dallas of course. I AM still very home sick, but it's getting easier. I am just trying to stay focussed on my purpose and what I am here to accomplish and one day become.

It is beautiful here. The foilage peak is nearing here. It's been a LONG time since I've been able to enjoy the leave changing colors, so its been nice seeing nature just change before your eyes! I LOVE it! Make me feel closer to God to just spend time in nature....not that I don't already; considering where I am! Well...speaking of where I am...we have Chapel tonight and I have to help with guitar playing, so I've gotta go!

May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face. May the rain fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand. Peace to all.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

73 more days.....

Yup...that's exactly how many days I have until my Christmas Break! I'm already counting!!! So these last few weeks haven't been that bad a I guess. I had hoped to complete this first paper due this Tuesday, but I'm not quite done with all the readings...UGH! I'm not entirely convinced I EVER will be! Classes are going really well. I had a VERY AWESOME surprise this week! My Pastor came up to see me for a few hours on Tuesday evening. He took me out for a steak dinner and beer which I loved! Then to breakfast on Wednesday morning. He even sat in on one of my classes. While it was sooo nice seeing someone from home, it made me home sick allll over again! I was just starting to feel like I was starting to adjust to being away from my small circle of friends and church family....then I felt sad all over again! But it was worth it. It was really nice spending time with Pete. Seems like we never did much of that before I left Dallas, which I regret.

So I went and had my knees evaluated here in Dubuque and the Dr. said he did not recommend me waiting to at LEAST have my left knee done as soon as possible. So now I am considering whether I should have the left knee replaced over Christmas Break/ J-Term. I'm going back and forth about the decision, as I want to make sure I have enough recuperation time to get back to school at the end of January. My sister, Myra, is convinced that if I have it done, I won't be coming back to school! I dunno...I guess all I can do is pray about it at this point.

My CPE paperwork is due soon. I have decided to apply to a couple of different places. My primary choice is going to be in Baltimore, MD. I'll be staying with a college friend of mine while I go do my CPE at John Hopkins; but their program is very tough to get in, so we'll see. I have 4 different essays to write for the application, so hopefully it'll go well.

Weather has DEFINITELY started getting cold here. I've been wearing long sleeve shirts and sweaters all week! The highs have been in the 50's and the night lows in the 30-40's ALREADY! Boy oh I in BIG trouble for the winter if I think this is cold, huh?

I have started helping at St. Peter's with some Youth/Kids programming. I'm going to be assisting with a program on Sunday evenings once a month and one on Thursday evenings once a month. St. Peter's had a HUGE service today to commemorate the kick off of their 100th year. It was a neat service. I really enjoyed it! I stuck around afterwards to interview the church's youth minister and his wife as one of my interviews for my Spiritual practices class. They are a really neat couple. I do hope to also start helping feed some of the homeless people in Dubuque at a Soup kitchen through a church downtown.

A few more weeks till my 39th birthday....NOT looking forward to that! One more year closer to 40....yikes! Gonna be a depressing day for sure!

So we have our reading days coming up at the end of this week. I REALLY wanted to go camping, but I think I'll be staying here at the dorms taking my defensive driving class that I need to get done before the end of this month. (for a ticket I got just before I left Dallas!) Haven't been taking too many excursion trips. Trying to save money and not use my car as much....but I may go somewhere over this long weekend coming up. Its gonna be boring around the dorm. Most everyone is going home for a visit. I just couldn't afford a ticket to do that. So here I will be!

Sorry this wasn't more exciting...just been busy with classes, studying and COUNTING the days to Christmas! Many blessings to all reading. Peace Out!