Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Week of training, getting lost, feeling lost and the morgue??

With that title description that could only mean one thing....CPE! Clinical Pastoral Education. Yup, I started this week with a little anxiety, some worry and anxiousness only to end up at the morgue twice this week! Seriously, this CPE thing is going to be a little tougher than I thought!
I am doing my CPE at Children's Medical Center in Dallas. Their policy includes, among a bizillion other policies, that all deceased must be escorted to their morgue by a member of the Chaplain staff. This is going to be a little tough for me, as up until this week, I had never been in a morgue before. I was pretty creeped out at first. The second time we went in there, the pathologist who performs the autopsies was there and invited everyone into the room where they do them. I just stood by the wall and waited for my classmates. I guess my comfortableness will come with time.
So lots of training this week and LOTS of walking. I spent 2 days in new employee orientation. Some of the material had nothing to do with my department, but I sat through it all. By Tuesday orientation and power point presentation number #???, I decided to start working on writing my sermon. (I have to preach tomorrow in church). Wednesday and Thursday were days to get to know my classmates and procedure stuff specific for our office. Friday we set our on call schedule for the entire summer. Looks like I'll be staying just 2 nights at the hospital this summer....not too bad. We also broadcast everyday 15 minutes little sermonettes from our chapel. I'll be leading a few of those plus leading chapel at least once this summer. The schedule setting took us a while, but we managed to get through it. Had to go pick up some new tennis shoes today, as my feet and knees have been taking a SERIOUS beating with all the walking involved. I will have my floor assignments on Monday. I have to pick where I'd like to be...leaning towards just general pediatrics, as I thing all the bloody stuff will be in the ICU units and trauma. But something tells me that when I AM on call, all bets are off! I will probably need to get over my queasiness about seeing bloody stuff.
So Gary and I are continuing to chat online every night. It's still difficult not being a little closer to each other, but we have planned to get together soon. I can't wait! I miss him so much. We're continuing to get to know each other every time we talk. I try to mention to him something new that he doesn't know about me and we've just starting using these conversation starter cards. That's been fun! As we share I am reminded how much we have in common and how glad I am that he is a part of my life.
I have to redo one of my final papers from Spring semester. NOT happy about that, but I do have a few more weeks to get it done. That is on my agenda next weekend! I was quite frustrated about having to redo it, but I also just want it done. I know I passed all the rest of my classes this past semester. I'm looking forward to being back at school this Fall. I also have my endorsement paper to write by the end of this summer. My endorsement interview will be in October. This is the interview that is made up of someone from my home Synod, some peers, adviser and professors. They will decide if I am ready to go on internship my third year. Again, something I have to wait for an assignment for next Spring. I'm just hoping to remain fairly close to Gary, but we'll see since I cannot restrict.
Well....lots of drama going on at my church. My friend Keith, who helped form our Praise Team decided to leave...NOT a huge shock, but I hope he is happy. I've been so proud of the youth who have remained part of the band. They have done remarkably and contrary to what Keith believes, the church and the praise band will survive without him.
I am missing seeing my fellow seminarians. They have become such a big part of my life now that its like they are family. I've been following come of their CPE stuff on Facebook...some of it is quite humorous! But I still miss them.
So I think that is all for now. Another CPE update next then I will be on my own..scary thought. God bless to all reading!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

On the brink of boredom...must be time for CPE to start!

Well this month has been exciting so far! I've traveled all over the place, seen lots of friends I hadn't seen in a long time, been getting a nice summer tan....YEAH RIGHT???!!! About the only truth to that previous statement was about my tan and that's ONLY because I've been going walking twice a day...GOTTA continue to get exercise, even in this HEAT!!!
I've primarily been walking to MAKE Julie exercise. She'd been complaining about sickness from her pregnancy and always being tired. After spending a DAY chasing after Chloe....I NOW GET THAT! But she does need to exercise for the new baby coming so....I've been making her walk with me. I only intended on making her walk once a day, but she insist on a second walk, which doesn't sit well with me, since I HATE heat. Inevitable if you live here in Dallas, TX!
So I just completed my JTerm assignment. Since I didn't DO a JTerm project this past January because of my multiple hospital stays, I opted to write a paper for the requirement. My title? The Theology of Pain and Suffering. It was actually pretty interesting once I started doing some research and reading a few sources one of my professors had given me. I actually learned a lot while doing it and somewhat feel like I MAY be OK during CPE. We'll see I guess. That adventure starts on Monday!
Still missing my boyfriend, Gary terribly. It sucks that neither he or I can travel to see each other right now. Skype has become a necessity for us. I dunno which is worse...seeing him everyday on Skype, which seems to make me miss him more or not seeing him at all! I suppose it's just an adjustment, but one I DON'T have to like right now. As my dear single friend told me yesterday, "At least you HAVE a boyfriend"! I am thankful for that! He continues to make me smile everyday and that is priceless to me right now!
I have 2 preaching "gigs" coming up. Both at my home church. My Pastor has decided to take a day off of preaching on June 13th and the day off on July 4th. So I guess the REAL test begins to see how well I can prepare a sermon. I don't know which is worse, preaching in front of my peers at school for a grade or my home congregation (which probably has a little higher expectation of me now that I'm in seminary). It's a toss up challenge. One I knew I would have, but nervous about it just the same. Lots of drama going on at my church regarding a Praise Band that I helped to start. They are having to make some changes and adjustments. I'm just glad I am here this summer to help, as I do feel like I owe my church at least that for all the support they give me.
Haven't been able to get in the pool for a few days. The Pool guy has gotta come out and fix the "sucker cleaner thingy"....ya u know what I mean! Last time I tried to get in there, I was attacked by bugs, so I'm gonna wait! NEED POOL to relieve SUMMER HEAT!!!!
So I have one final paper to redo from Spring semester before the end of this month. I want to start on it this week and just get it done, as I fear CPE is gonna drain a lot out of me. My dear friend from seminary, Kate, said, when I asked her how her first day of CPE went, "It's kinda like sucking on the end of a fire hose that's turned on full blast!" NOT exactly the encouraging words I would have liked to have for this week, but I am anxious and ready to start. I also gotta start learning the Hebrew Alphabet. I have to have it learned by the time I start school this Fall. My mother is starting to help me with that tomorrow.
I've been so enjoying spending time with my precious God Daughter Chloe. She is almost 2 and is at such a FUN stage! It's soooo cool having someone to play with! I mean, it's nice to play WITH her! (Yeah right! Anyone who KNOWS me at all knows I meant the later!) She continues to amaze me everyday, but it also makes me so sad seeing how much I have missed this past year. Julie has done such an amazing job with her. I sat next to Julie yesterday and using her stethoscope, I listened to her new baby moving around in her belly. It was so cool! It made me a little jealous and I teared up thinking that I will probably never have that experience. Years ago, that would have made me very sad; and if you catch me on a "bad" day sometimes it still does. Bottom line, by the time I start my new career in a few more years, "my birthing" years are going to be well behind me. Not to mention the need for ONE more knee surgery...eventually. Children, of my own, are just not in the cards for me and I came to that conclusion some time ago. Besides, since dating Gary, something tells me, children will continue to be in my life for a while and I don't mind that at all.
Well....I have a children's sermon to write for tomorrow and need to fix me some dinner. Peace and blessings to all reading.